
Why should we say Women, not Women?

Why should we say Women, not Women?

With the habit and 'politeness' of years, 'Woman' was preferred and not 'Woman'. So much so that even women have become ashamed of saying women. However, it is quite different. Actually why should it be a Woman?

First of all, it is important to understand; The words 'woman' and 'man' are used to indicate gender.

The words 'male' and 'female' are used as a form of appeal rather than specifying gender.

When you need to call someone, "Mr., look?" As you say, "Miss, look?" may also be a little pointless.

Are you actually trying to be polite? How can it be politely related to addressing women without giving them "sexual freedom"?

The argument that "Lady is more polite than discriminating between women and girls" does not seem to be valid at this point.

There is no gender definition as a girl anyway. The definition of the word female in TDK is as follows: Adult, female person. In other words, every female individual who has completed her development and has completed the age of 18 is a woman.

If the real intention is to be polite; it would be more appropriate to use the word 'lady' instead of this word.

If you still do not know where to use, let's give a few examples;

Turkey Women's Basketball League, Women Reyonu- men's section, Women's WC WC- Male, Female doctors / lawyers / teachers are the correct usage.

More importantly; March 8 is not International Women's Day, but Women's Day.

November 25 is not International Day for Violence Against Women, but No Day for Violence Against Women.

Actually, for all these reasons, the word 'WOMEN' is much more harmonious and beautiful.