Asilsera Grup - Gıda İçecek Filtrasyon Sistemleri - Kimya - Elektronik

Asilsera Home Living Comfort and Hygiene Products

Asilsera Grup - Gıda İçecek Filtrasyon Sistemleri - Kimya - Elektronik

Asilsera & MAKFilter Water Filtration Systems

Asilsera Grup - Gıda İçecek Filtrasyon Sistemleri - Kimya - Elektronik

Asilsera Electronic Products

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Hygiene for Human, Technology for Life

We us Asilsera


We started to operate in 2008 as a supplier of kitchen equipment, white goods cleaning and maintenance chemicals, we brought together a end user, dealer and manufacturer, and created a new business model in our industry.

At our focus, we always produce fast, reliable, innovative solutions by keeping human needs and health, and we offer economic services that make life easier with our technological infrastructure, which is shown in the world.


As the leading company in its field; to expand our water food filtration systems with our sub-dealers in the domestic user and HORECA (Hotel & Restaurant & Cafe) sector throughout the country.

To open up to foreign markets by making self-sourced production in the field of care chemicals, to represent our country by providing foreign capital inflows with our high quality products.


Have ready 2 wave in Turkey coronavirus?

Have ready 2 wave in Turkey coronavirus?

In the Covid19 pandemic that collapsed into our lives like a nightmare at the end of 2019, the fear of the 2nd wave makes the whole world nervous.

While the number of cases and deaths is on the rise again all over the world, especially in America, Brazil and India, efforts to develop vaccines against coronavirus are intensifying. At the end of the summer and when the winter season approaches, scientists, experts and administrations are trying to take all measures to prevent a worse picture.

Of course, the most important measure falls on us, the people. We are now more conscious of this epidemic. Our awareness is at the highest level. We have understood what we should do in many daily factors such as personal protection, family awareness, social relations, working environments, public transportation.

So what are we more aware of now?

First and foremost; We realized that "Cleaning and Hygiene" is no longer a "luxury" but an obligation. Another important topic is 'Social Distance' is a precaution that we must fight for not only our own attention but also our environment from now on.

While our hopes for a healthy future will never run out, "Social Consciousness" will perhaps be the greatest "Teaching Heritage" we will leave to future generations.


Healthy and Clean Days ...
Asilsera Group

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An immaculate holiday

An immaculate holiday

Holiday Cleaning is an important tradition. However, with this pandemic process this year, "Being Clean on Holidays" gains a much different meaning.

Holidays have another meaning for Turkish people. It is our cultural tradition, our enthusiasm, our passion to be together with our loved ones.

However, in 2020, which we meet with a coronavirus pandemic, we have to live our festive enthusiasm differently, as do many other habits. Although it is a bit sad to be more distant with our loved ones and to restrict our social contacts with the crowds, we do not have much when health comes to the fore.

We have a holiday rush. It is tiring but sweet as well, because eventually there is to be with our loved ones. The most important is “Traditional Holiday Cleaning”. We would like to welcome our loved ones in our immaculate house.

As a precaution against pandemic this year, although it is not possible to host crowds at home on holiday, Cleanliness and Hygiene had a different meaning for all of us. In past holidays, we were cleaning for our guests rather than ourselves, but this time, cleaning was indispensable for ourselves and our family.

Keeping our home much cleaner and sterile, both for our personal cleanliness and hygiene, and where we spent most of our family time, is no longer a habit, it is a 'Health Condition'.

Although we will have a holiday that we cannot enjoy, we should not give up a Clean Life for a healthier and safer future this year.

As Asilsera Group, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday and we want you to know that we are with you with our special cleaning products so that you can live in an immaculate home.

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Cleaning without getting tired

Cleaning without getting tired

On the one hand, the indispensable of life is to live in a clean and clean world, on the other hand, time is very valuable and we must keep it to ourselves. So is there a solution for this?

Cleaning is indispensable especially for women. For example a mother; Whether for the family rather than self-cleaning. I feel much stronger and safer when I live the loved ones in a clean environment. It is almost a duty against his family.
But he knows that being constantly clean and keeping your environment clean is a time consuming and tiring job. However, he also has a life and wants to spare time for his friends, friends and social life.

"How do I do this faster?" He asks himself. It tries everything to do faster cleaning. He buys and tries all the cleaning products and auxiliary materials that he sees in advertisements, markets and recommended by his friends.
However, after a while, he realizes that all the products he tries to 'let me have time' do not really help him do the correct cleaning ...

It is precisely here that a science called 'chemistry of the right cleaning' emerges. So what is the chemistry of this cleaning?

The cleaning manufacturers in the world produce two types of products, the first of which is "cleaning products that do everything" which are affordable products that are sold everywhere but are not really useful.

The other product group is special formula products produced for specific regions that are difficult to clean. These products are actually the cleaning aids you really need. They are developed by experts as a result of years of laboratory work, and in general, such products shoot points.

For example, the process of contamination of a refrigerator and the process of contamination of a stove, oven or hood are very different from each other.

In this case, when you feel the need to clean your refrigerator, the product you will use should never be the same as cleaning your stove or oven.

As Asilsera Group, we have been performing all of our R&D studies for 15 years in the Private Cleaning Products sector to use the right product in the right environment.

Would you like to take a look at the products we have developed for Asilsera Chemical to do the right cleaning for you in the right environment?


Healthy and Clean Days ...
Asilsera Group

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